
Hi, experts!

I’m using the code mentioned in the above link for temperature and humidity sensing using the Adafruit feather m0 Lora node with the DHT22 sensor. When I check the payload on TTN it shows inconsistent values for Temperature and Humidity.

Here is the code and payload decoder attached below:

void do_send(osjob_t* j){
// Check if there is not a current TX/RX job running
if (LMIC.opmode & OP_TXRXPEND) {
Serial.println(F(“OP_TXRXPEND, not sending”));
} else {
// read the temperature from the DHT22
float temperature = dht.readTemperature();
Serial.print(“Temperature: “); Serial.print(temperature);
Serial.println(” *C”);
// adjust for the f2sflt16 range (-1 to 1)
temperature = temperature / 100;

    // read the humidity from the DHT22
    float rHumidity = dht.readHumidity();
    Serial.print("%RH ");
    // adjust for the f2sflt16 range (-1 to 1)
    rHumidity = rHumidity / 100;

    // float -> int
    // note: this uses the sflt16 datum (
    uint16_t payloadTemp = LMIC_f2sflt16(temperature);
    // int -> bytes
    byte tempLow = lowByte(payloadTemp);
    byte tempHigh = highByte(payloadTemp);
    // place the bytes into the payload
    payload[0] = tempLow;
    payload[1] = tempHigh;

    // float -> int
    uint16_t payloadHumid = LMIC_f2sflt16(rHumidity);
    // int -> bytes
    byte humidLow = lowByte(payloadHumid);
    byte humidHigh = highByte(payloadHumid);
    payload[2] = humidLow;
    payload[3] = humidHigh;

    // prepare upstream data transmission at the next possible time.
    // transmit on port 1 (the first parameter); you can use any value from 1 to 223 (others are reserved).
    // don't request an ack (the last parameter, if not zero, requests an ack from the network).
    // Remember, acks consume a lot of network resources; don't ask for an ack unless you really need it.
    LMIC_setTxData2(1, payload, sizeof(payload)-1, 0);
// Next TX is scheduled after TX_COMPLETE event.


function Decoder(bytes, port) {
var temperature = (bytes[0] << 8) | bytes[1];
var humidity = (bytes[2] << 8) | bytes[3];

return {
temperature: temperature / 100, 
humidity: humidity / 100

Serial console

Payload on TTN

The Ubidot application shows the following information

I would request you if any expert could help me in formatting the payload as it shows inconsistent values.


This is the key comment. The data is being transmitted as a scaled floating point (16-bit) value. You have to do some extra work in your JavaScript decoder. See GitHub - mcci-catena/arduino-lmic: LoraWAN-MAC-in-C library, adapted to run under the Arduino environment for info and decoding scripts.

Dear Sir, Thanks for your kind response. I tried the following decoder copied from your repo. However, it shows the following error attached below in a snapshot.

function sflt162f(rawSflt16)
// rawSflt16 is the 2-byte number decoded from wherever;
// it's in range 0..0xFFFF
// bit 15 is the sign bit
// bits 14..11 are the exponent
// bits 10..0 are the the mantissa. Unlike IEEE format,
// the msb is explicit; this means that numbers
// might not be normalized, but makes coding for
// underflow easier.
// As with IEEE format, negative zero is possible, so
// we special-case that in hopes that JavaScript will
// also cooperate.
// The result is a number in the open interval (-1.0, 1.0);

// throw away high bits for repeatability.
rawSflt16 &= 0xFFFF;

// special case minus zero:
if (rawSflt16 == 0x8000)
    return -0.0;

// extract the sign.
var sSign = ((rawSflt16 & 0x8000) != 0) ? -1 : 1;

// extract the exponent
var exp1 = (rawSflt16 >> 11) & 0xF;

// extract the "mantissa" (the fractional part)
var mant1 = (rawSflt16 & 0x7FF) / 2048.0;

// convert back to a floating point number. We hope
// that Math.pow(2, k) is handled efficiently by
// the JS interpreter! If this is time critical code,
// you can replace by a suitable shift and divide.
var f_unscaled = sSign * mant1 * Math.pow(2, exp1 - 15);

return f_unscaled;

Could you please comment on this error?

Yours sincerely

hello there! Any progress to decode the payload with JS?

Dear sir, If there is an example to decode the default payload that would be helpful to understand and make further modification based on that.

Hi, no I tried a lot; however, I couldn’t succeed. I am still waiting for @tmm and maybe he could spare a few seconds for our problem. I studied the decoder part mentioned in his GitHub repo, but it was too complex, and I didn’t get it.

Please count me on if you find any solution to this problem.