Arduino LMIC stops after some time (8-9 hours) and doesn't sends data

Hello guys,
I need help with this because I am trying for a month now to fix this. I have a node device and I have done all the configuration according to the github documentation of MCCI

my platformio.ini file is as follows

; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
;   Build options: build flags, source filter
;   Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags
;   Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
;   Advanced options: extra scripting
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples

platform = ststm32
board = genericSTM32F103C8
framework = arduino
debug_tool = stlink
board_build.core = stm32
lib_deps = 
	adafruit/Adafruit ADS1X15@^2.5.0
	; matthijskooijman/IBM LMIC framework@^1.5.1
	mcci-catena/MCCI LoRaWAN LMIC library@^4.1.1
build_flags =
    -D CFG_eu868=1
    -D CFG_sx1276_radio=1

The devices functions properly just the Lorawan side of things doesnt seem right, here is an image from chirpstack server.

a screenshot from the serial port the join at 9:07 pm is here:
-157610058: EV_TXSTART
-157288904: EV_JOINED
netid: 0
devaddr: -------- (just to hide it)
AppSKey: --------------------------------------------------- (just to hide it)
NwkSKey: --------------------------------------------------- (just to hide it)
-157288075: EV_TXSTART
-157141837: EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)

I don’t understand why the time gets overflown? its a signed integer in the library, can someone guide why used a signed integer for time keeping? I saw a comment in the source that the negative means the time has already passed. Its confusing so please if someone can guide I will be really thankful.

I have placed an 8 hours reset of the lorawan stack so it does this every 8 hours just to avoid a complete stop:

void lmicStart (void) {
      // LMIC init
  // Reset the MAC state. Session and pending data transfers will be discarded.
  // Set up the channels used by the Things Network, which corresponds
  // to the defaults of most gateways. Without this, only three base
  // channels from the LoRaWAN specification are used, which certainly
  // works, so it is good for debugging, but can overload those
  // frequencies, so be sure to configure the full frequency range of
  // your network here (unless your network autoconfigures them).
  // Setting up channels should happen after LMIC_setSession, as that
  // configures the minimal channel set.
  // NA-US channels 0-71 are configured automatically
  LMIC_setupChannel(0, 868100000, DR_RANGE_MAP(DR_SF12, DR_SF7),  BAND_CENTI);      // g-band
  LMIC_setupChannel(1, 868300000, DR_RANGE_MAP(DR_SF12, DR_SF7B), BAND_CENTI);      // g-band
  LMIC_setupChannel(2, 868500000, DR_RANGE_MAP(DR_SF12, DR_SF7),  BAND_CENTI);      // g-band
  LMIC_setupChannel(3, 867100000, DR_RANGE_MAP(DR_SF12, DR_SF7),  BAND_CENTI);      // g-band
  LMIC_setupChannel(4, 867300000, DR_RANGE_MAP(DR_SF12, DR_SF7),  BAND_CENTI);      // g-band
  LMIC_setupChannel(5, 867500000, DR_RANGE_MAP(DR_SF12, DR_SF7),  BAND_CENTI);      // g-band
  LMIC_setupChannel(6, 867700000, DR_RANGE_MAP(DR_SF12, DR_SF7),  BAND_CENTI);      // g-band
  LMIC_setupChannel(7, 867900000, DR_RANGE_MAP(DR_SF12, DR_SF7),  BAND_CENTI);      // g-band
  LMIC_setupChannel(8, 868800000, DR_RANGE_MAP(DR_FSK,  DR_FSK),  BAND_MILLI);      // g2-band
  // TTN defines an additional channel at 869.525Mhz using SF9 for class B
  // devices' ping slots. LMIC does not have an easy way to define set this
  // frequency and support for class B is spotty and untested, so this
  // frequency is not configured here.

  // Disable link check validation
  // // TTN uses SF9 for its RX2 window.
  // LMIC.dn2Dr = DR_SF9;
  // Set data rate and transmit power for uplink (note: txpow seems to be ignored by the library)
  LMIC_setClockError(MAX_CLOCK_ERROR * 10 /100);
  // Start job (sending automatically starts OTAA too)

Without the 10% clock error set the join procedure takes 10-15 minutes.

Thank you guys, and if anyother information is required then please let me know.