Adafruit Feather M0 - Helium (OTAA EU868)

Has anyone managed to successfully get an Feather M0 talking to the helium network with an EU868 configuration ? I’m on day 7 of my suffering. I can see join and join accept messages on the helium console but no sign of my “hello world” payload. Any help is gladly welcome, as I’m at a bit of a loss. I’m assuming the issue is related to OTAA +timings.



Hi @gordonmoore-dev – yes, it works for me. Do you have the required extra jumper installed? Scan the README for “jumper” – D6 to DIO1.


Yeah we have that jumper installed.

We just get the Join and Join accept showing in helium console, but the M0 never gets the join message. I assume it must be related to RX window timings.



Have you tried the raw sketch from Feather to Feather (just to confirm setup)? Also: which sketch are you using for test? One of the examples or your own? Be aware that it ruins timing if you turn on debug prints from within the LMIC; those are only for tracking down crashes and such like.